10 Best Android Apps for note taking

In today’s fast-paced world, staying organized is essential for managing our daily tasks and responsibilities effectively. With the advent of smartphones, note organizing has become more convenient and efficient than ever before. Android users are in luck as the Google Play Store offers a plethora of note organizing apps to choose from. Whether you need to jot down quick ideas, create to-do lists, or store important information, these 10 best Android apps for note taking are here to simplify your life:


Evernote is a popular and versatile note-taking app that allows you to capture and organize ideas, thoughts, and tasks seamlessly. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a top choice for individuals, students, and professionals alike.

  • With Evernote, you can create text notes and format them using various styles, fonts, and colors. This feature allows you to highlight important information and make your notes visually appealing.
  • The app also supports attaching images and files, making it convenient for storing relevant documents alongside your notes. You can easily access these attachments whenever you need them.
  • Evernote’s reminder feature helps you stay on top of your tasks by setting due dates and sending notifications. This ensures that you never forget an important deadline or appointment.
  • Collaborating on shared notebooks is another standout feature of Evernote. You can invite others to view or edit your notes, making it perfect for team projects and group brainstorming sessions.
  • Cross-platform synchronization is one of the biggest advantages of Evernote. It allows you to access your notes from any device, whether it’s your Android phone, tablet, or computer. This ensures that your notes are always available whenever and wherever you need them.

Microsoft OneNote

Developed by Microsoft, OneNote is a feature-rich note-taking app that seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications. It offers a wide range of formatting options, allowing you to create visually appealing notes.

Best Android Apps for note taking
  • OneNote’s formatting tools enable you to add headings, bullet points, and numbered lists to your notes. This helps you organize your thoughts and create structured content.
  • The app supports audio and video recordings, making it an ideal choice for students and professionals who need to capture lectures or meetings. You can record important discussions and play them back later for reference.
  • With its robust organizational features, you can categorize your notes into sections and notebooks for easy access. This hierarchical structure ensures that you can find specific notes quickly and efficiently.
  • OneNote also allows you to tag your notes with keywords, making it easier to search for specific information. This feature is particularly useful when you have a large collection of notes and need to locate something specific.
  • The seamless integration with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and Excel, enables you to easily transfer content between different apps. This enhances your productivity and streamlines your workflow.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a simple yet powerful note-taking app developed by Google. Its minimalist design and intuitive interface make it suitable for users of all ages.

Best Android Apps for note taking
  • With Google Keep, you can create color-coded notes, which allows you to visually differentiate between different types of information or prioritize tasks based on urgency.
  • The app’s reminder feature ensures that you never miss important deadlines or appointments. You can set reminders for specific notes, and Google Keep will send you notifications at the specified time.
  • Google Keep also allows you to transcribe voice memos into text. This is particularly handy when you need to capture ideas or information on the go, without having to type them out.
  • The app syncs seamlessly with your Google account, making it accessible across all your devices. You can access your notes on your Android phone, tablet, or computer, ensuring that you have your important information wherever you go.
  • Additionally, you can collaborate on notes in real-time with others, making it perfect for team projects and brainstorming sessions. You can share your notes with specific individuals or create shared lists for everyone to contribute to.


While Todoist is primarily known as a to-do list app, it also excels in note organizing. With its clean and intuitive interface, you can easily manage tasks, projects, and personal goals.

  • Todoist allows you to create to-do lists and set due dates for each task. This helps you prioritize your tasks and stay organized.
  • The app’s task prioritization feature enables you to assign different levels of importance to your tasks. You can use labels such as ‘urgent’, ‘important’, or ‘low priority’ to categorize your tasks and focus on what matters most.
  • With its powerful reminders and notifications, you’ll never miss a deadline again. Todoist sends you timely reminders to ensure that you complete your tasks on time.
  • Todoist offers integration with popular productivity tools like Google Calendar and Trello. This allows you to sync your tasks and deadlines across different platforms, providing a comprehensive overview of your schedule and commitments.
  • Collaborating with others is made easy with Todoist. You can assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track progress. This enhances teamwork and ensures that everyone is on the same page.


As the name suggests, Simplenote focuses on simplicity and minimalism. This lightweight note-taking app provides a clutter-free environment for capturing and organizing your thoughts.

  • With Simplenote, you can create plain text notes without any distractions. This allows you to focus solely on your ideas and avoid unnecessary formatting or visual elements.
  • The app allows you to tag your notes for easy categorization. You can assign specific keywords to your notes, making it easier to search for them later.
  • Simplenote offers seamless synchronization across devices, ensuring that your notes are always up to date. Any changes you make to your notes on one device will be immediately reflected on all your other devices.
  • Automatic saving is another useful feature of Simplenote. You don’t have to worry about manually saving your notes; the app does it for you in the background. This eliminates the risk of losing your important information.
  • If you prefer a fuss-free note organizing experience, Simplenote is an excellent choice. Its simplicity and straightforwardness make it easy to use for users of all levels of technical expertise.

Bear (iOS)

Bear is a versatile and beautifully designed note-taking app that combines simplicity with powerful features. It offers a distraction-free writing experience, allowing you to focus on your thoughts.

Best Android Apps for note taking
  • Bear allows you to create notes using rich text formatting. You can add headings, bold or italicize text, and create lists to structure your content effectively.
  • The app supports adding images and files to your notes. This is useful when you need to include visual references or attach relevant documents alongside your written content.
  • Bear provides seamless synchronization across all your devices, ensuring that your notes are readily available wherever you are. You can access your notes on your Android phone, tablet, or computer effortlessly.
  • Categorizing your notes is made easy with Bear’s hashtag feature. You can assign hashtags to your notes, allowing you to easily search for specific notes or group related content together.
  • Bear also offers advanced features for writers, such as the ability to write in Markdown. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format your text using simple syntax. This feature is particularly useful for bloggers, writers, or anyone who prefers a more structured approach to writing.


Notion is more than just a note-taking app; it is an all-in-one workspace for organizing your life. With its highly customizable interface and modular structure, Notion adapts to your unique needs.

  • Notion allows you to create notes, to-do lists, calendars, databases, and even build project management boards. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases, from personal organization to collaborative work.
  • The app supports rich media embedding, allowing you to attach files, images, videos, and even integrate with popular productivity tools. This enables you to create comprehensive and interactive notes or documents.
  • Notion’s modular structure enables you to organize your content in a hierarchical manner. You can create pages, sub-pages, and nested folders to keep your information neatly organized and easily accessible.
  • Collaboration is a key feature of Notion. You can invite team members or collaborators to view or edit your notes and documents. Real-time syncing ensures that everyone is always working with the latest version of the content.
  • Notion’s customization options are extensive. You can choose from a variety of templates, layouts, and color schemes to personalize your workspace according to your preferences. This flexibility allows you to create a workspace that suits your unique organizational style.

Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for note organizing. This app allows you to create different types of notes, including text notes, checklists, audio recordings, and sketches.

  • With Zoho Notebook, you can create text notes using various formatting options, such as bold, italics, bullet points, and numbered lists. This helps you structure your content and highlight important information.
  • The app’s checklist feature allows you to create interactive to-do lists or task trackers. You can mark tasks as completed or add new items to the list as needed.
  • Zoho Notebook offers a unique feature called Note Cards. Note Cards are customizable visual boards where you can organize your notes. You can group related notes together or create different boards for different projects or topics.
  • For enhanced privacy, Zoho Notebook allows you to password-protect individual notes. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure, even if someone gains access to your device.
  • Zoho Notebook’s seamless synchronization and cross-platform support mean that you can access your notes from any device. Whether you’re using your Android phone, tablet, or computer, your notes are always within reach.


Joplin is an open-source note-taking app that prioritizes privacy and security. It provides end-to-end encryption, ensuring your notes remain confidential.

  • Joplin supports Markdown formatting, allowing you to create well-structured and visually appealing notes. Markdown provides a simple and intuitive way to format text, add headings, insert links, and more.
  • You can organize your notes into notebooks, creating a hierarchical structure similar to traditional notebooks. This helps you categorize your notes and find them quickly when needed.
  • Joplin allows you to add tags to your notes, making it easier to group related content together or search for specific information. This tagging system enhances the organization and retrieval of your notes.
  • The app offers synchronization with popular cloud storage services like Dropbox and Nextcloud. This ensures that your notes are securely backed up and accessible from multiple devices.
  • Joplin’s commitment to privacy and security makes it an excellent choice for users who prioritize keeping their personal information safe. The end-to-end encryption ensures that only you have access to your notes.


Noteshelf is a feature-rich note-taking app designed for those who prefer handwritten notes. It offers a wide range of digital writing tools and paper templates, providing a realistic writing experience.

  • With Noteshelf, you can write and draw using various digital writing tools, such as pens, pencils, highlighters, and markers. This allows you to create handwritten notes that closely resemble traditional pen and paper writing.
  • The app provides a variety of paper templates, including lined paper, grid paper, and even specialized templates for specific purposes like music notation or storyboarding. These templates give you the flexibility to create notes or sketches in the format that suits your needs.
  • Noteshelf allows you to organize your handwritten notes into notebooks, just like physical notebooks. You can create different notebooks for different subjects or projects, keeping your notes neatly categorized.
  • Adding tags to your notes is another useful feature of Noteshelf. You can assign specific keywords to your handwritten notes, making it easier to search for them later.
  • Noteshelf supports seamless synchronization with popular cloud storage services, ensuring that your handwritten notes are accessible from any device. Whether you’re using your Android phone, tablet, or computer, your notes are always just a few taps away.

In conclusion, these 10 Android apps cater to different preferences and needs when it comes to note organizing. Whether you prefer simplicity, customization, or specific features, you’re sure to find an app that suits your requirements. These apps will undoubtedly help you stay organized, boost productivity, and simplify your life. Experiment with different options, find the one that resonates with you, and unleash your full potential with efficient note organization.

FAQ – Best Android Apps for note taking

1. What is Evernote?

Evernote is a popular and versatile note-taking app that allows you to capture and organize ideas, thoughts, and tasks seamlessly. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a top choice for individuals, students, and professionals alike.

2. What is the reminder feature in Google Keep?

Google Keep’s reminder feature ensures that you never miss important deadlines or appointments. You can set reminders for specific notes, and Google Keep will send you notifications at the specified time.

3. What is the main feature of Notion?

Notion is more than just a note-taking app; it is an all-in-one workspace for organizing your life. With its highly customizable interface and modular structure, Notion adapts to your unique needs.

4. What is the unique feature of Joplin?

Joplin is an open-source note-taking app that prioritizes privacy and security. It provides end-to-end encryption, ensuring your notes remain confidential.

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