10 Best Android Apps for project management

Managing projects effectively is crucial for the success of any organization or individual. With the rise of mobile technology, Android apps have become a valuable tool for project management on the go. In this article, we will explore the 10 best Android apps for project management experience that can increase your productivity.

Tabulated Summary

AppKey FeaturesDistinctive Traits
Trello– Boards, Lists, and Cards for visual organization – Real-time collaboration with team members – Due Dates and Reminders – Integration with third-party apps and servicesUser-friendly interface, seamless collaboration, and visual organization make it suitable for personal and professional use.
Asana– Comprehensive task management and progress tracking – Powerful search and filtering capabilities – Seamless integration with various apps and servicesAll-in-one solution with robust features for task management, progress tracking, and effective team collaboration.
Monday.com– Visual and intuitive workflow customization – Progress tracking through timeline view and customizable dashboards – Integration with popular tools and servicesVersatile project management app emphasizing visual workflow customization, collaboration, and integration capabilities.
Wrike– Task management with detailed descriptions and attachments – Gantt charts for visual project timelines – Time tracking and resource management capabilitiesRobust project workflow features, Gantt charts, and resource management make Wrike suitable for efficient project execution.
Basecamp– To-do lists, file sharing, and message boards for communication – Email integration for streamlined communicationUser-friendly and straightforward interface, ideal for small teams and freelancers seeking simplicity in project management.
Microsoft Project– Detailed project planning with Gantt charts – Resource management and customizable dashboards – Integration with Microsoft toolsAdvanced project planning and execution capabilities, especially suitable for professionals and organizations using Microsoft tools.
Jira– Issue tracking, agile boards, and release planning for software development – Robust reporting and analytics capabilitiesSpecialized for software development teams, offering features like issue tracking and agile boards for efficient project management.
Smartsheet– Collaborative workspaces with spreadsheet functionality – Task tracking, resource management, and automation capabilitiesVersatile app combining spreadsheet functionality with project management features, offering collaborative workspaces and automation.
Evernote– Note-taking and organization for project-related content – Cross-platform syncing and search capabilitiesValuable tool for project managers to capture and organize ideas, meeting notes, and research in various formats across devices.


Trello is a popular and user-friendly project management app that allows you to organize and prioritize tasks using boards, lists, and cards. It enables seamless collaboration among team members, allowing you to assign tasks, set due dates, and track progress. With its intuitive interface and real-time syncing, Trello is an excellent choice for both personal and professional project management.

Trello offers several key features that make it stand out as one of the best Android apps for project management. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • Boards, Lists, and Cards: Trello’s unique system of boards, lists, and cards allows you to visually organize your tasks and projects. You can create different boards for different projects and use lists to categorize tasks. The cards represent individual tasks and can be easily moved between lists or assigned to team members.
  • Collaboration: Trello allows you to invite team members to your boards and collaborate in real-time. You can assign tasks to specific individuals, add comments, and attach files to cards. This makes it easy to keep everyone on the same page and ensures efficient collaboration.
  • Due Dates and Reminders: With Trello, you can set due dates for your tasks and receive notifications to stay on top of your deadlines. This feature helps you prioritize your work and ensures that important tasks are completed on time.
  • Integration: Trello integrates with various third-party apps and services, allowing you to streamline your workflow. For example, you can connect Trello with your calendar app to sync due dates or integrate it with project management tools like Slack for seamless communication.

Overall, Trello is a powerful and versatile project management app that offers a range of features to enhance your productivity and organization.


Asana is a comprehensive project management tool that offers features like task management, progress tracking, and team collaboration. It enables you to create projects and assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and communicate within the app. With its powerful search and filtering capabilities, Asana helps you stay organized and focused on your project goals.

Best Android Apps for project management

Asana provides several key features that make it a top choice for Android users:

  • Task Management: Asana allows you to create tasks and assign them to team members. You can set due dates, add descriptions, and attach files to tasks. This makes it easy to track the progress of individual tasks and ensure timely completion.
  • Progress Tracking: With Asana, you can visualize the progress of your projects using various views, such as lists, boards, or timelines. This allows you to easily track the status of tasks and identify any bottlenecks or delays.
  • Team Collaboration: Asana’s collaborative features enable seamless communication and teamwork. You can comment on tasks, mention team members, and have discussions within the app. This promotes transparency and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  • Search and Filtering: Asana offers powerful search and filtering capabilities that allow you to quickly find specific tasks, projects, or conversations. You can search by keyword, assignee, due date, or any other criteria, making it easy to locate the information you need.

In addition to these features, Asana also integrates with various apps and services, such as Google Drive, Slack, and Outlook, to further enhance your project management experience.


Monday.com is a versatile project management app that provides a visual and collaborative platform for managing projects. Its customizable interface allows you to create unique workflows, track progress, and assign responsibilities. With features like time tracking, file sharing, and integrations with other tools, Monday.com empowers teams to work efficiently and stay on top of their projects.

Some key features that set Monday.com apart from other project management apps are:

  • Visual Workflow: Monday.com offers a visual and intuitive interface that allows you to create custom workflows for your projects. You can design your boards, add columns, and customize the layout to match your team’s specific needs. This visual approach makes it easy to understand the status of tasks and projects at a glance.
  • Progress Tracking: Monday.com provides various tools to track the progress of your projects. You can use the built-in timeline view to visualize project milestones and deadlines. The app also offers progress tracking through customizable dashboards and reports, giving you real-time insights into your team’s performance.
  • Collaboration: Monday.com emphasizes collaboration by providing features like @mentions, comments, and file sharing. You can easily communicate with team members, share important documents, and get feedback on tasks. This fosters effective teamwork and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Integration: Monday.com integrates with popular tools and services, such as Google Drive, Slack, and Jira, to streamline your workflow. This allows you to centralize your project management efforts and eliminate the need to switch between multiple apps.

These features make Monday.com a powerful project management app that can adapt to the unique needs of your team and projects.


Wrike is a robust project management app that offers a wide range of features to streamline your project workflows. It provides a centralized hub for task management, team collaboration, and project tracking. With its Gantt charts, time tracking, and resource management capabilities, Wrike enables you to plan, execute, and monitor your projects effectively.

Wrike stands out as a top Android app for project management due to the following features:

  • Task Management: Wrike allows you to create tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates. You can add descriptions, attach files, and leave comments on tasks to provide clear instructions and facilitate collaboration. This ensures that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Gantt Charts: Wrike’s Gantt charts provide a visual representation of your project timeline. You can use them to plan and schedule tasks, track progress, and identify dependencies. This feature helps you to stay organized and ensures that your projects are completed on time.
  • Time Tracking: With Wrike, you can track the time spent on each task or project. This allows you to accurately measure the effort required for different activities and helps with resource allocation. The app provides timesheets and reports to give you insights into your team’s productivity and identify areas for improvement.
  • Resource Management: Wrike offers resource management capabilities that allow you to allocate and manage resources efficiently. You can assign team members to tasks, set their availability, and monitor their workload. This helps prevent overallocation and ensures that resources are utilized optimally.

In addition to these features, Wrike provides integrations with popular tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Drive, enabling seamless collaboration and data sharing.


Basecamp is a popular project management app that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It offers features like to-do lists, file sharing, and message boards to facilitate team communication and collaboration. Basecamp’s straightforward interface and email integration make it an ideal choice for small teams and freelancers looking for a hassle-free project management solution.

Here are some key features of Basecamp that make it a top Android app for project management:

  • To-Do Lists: Basecamp allows you to create to-do lists and assign tasks to team members. You can set due dates, add descriptions, and attach files to tasks. This helps you keep track of your tasks and ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • File Sharing: Basecamp provides a central repository for storing and sharing project-related files. You can upload documents, images, and other files, making it easy for team members to access and collaborate on them. This eliminates the need for separate file sharing services and ensures that all project-related information is in one place.
  • Message Boards: Basecamp’s message boards allow for easy communication and collaboration within the app. You can start discussions, ask questions, and provide updates to keep everyone informed. This eliminates the need for lengthy email threads and ensures that important information is easily accessible to all team members.
  • Email Integration: Basecamp integrates with email, allowing you to send and receive project-related messages directly from your inbox. This feature ensures that you never miss any important updates or discussions, even if you’re not actively using the app.

Basecamp’s user-friendly interface and focus on simplicity make it a popular choice for teams looking for a straightforward project management solution.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a powerful project management tool that has made its way to the Android platform. It provides comprehensive project planning, scheduling, and resource management features. With its Gantt charts, customizable dashboards, and integration with other Microsoft tools, Microsoft Project is a great option for professionals and organizations seeking advanced project management capabilities.

Microsoft Project offers several key features that make it a top Android app for project management:

  • Project Planning: Microsoft Project allows you to create detailed project plans, define tasks, and set dependencies. You can assign resources, estimate durations, and create timelines using Gantt charts. This helps you create a roadmap for your projects and ensures that all tasks are properly scheduled and coordinated.
  • Resource Management: With Microsoft Project, you can manage your project resources effectively. You can assign team members to tasks, track their availability, and monitor their workload. This helps you optimize resource allocation and ensures that tasks are assigned to the right people at the right time.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Microsoft Project provides customizable dashboards that allow you to track project progress and performance. You can create visual reports, charts, and graphs to gain insights into your project’s status. This helps you identify any bottlenecks or delays and make informed decisions to keep your projects on track.
  • Integration with Microsoft Tools: Microsoft Project seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. This allows you to import and export data, collaborate on documents, and create presentations using your project information. This integration streamlines your workflow and ensures that your project data is easily accessible across different platforms.

Overall, Microsoft Project is a robust project management app that offers advanced features for professionals and organizations looking for comprehensive project planning and execution capabilities.


Jira is a widely used project management app designed specifically for software development teams. It offers features like issue tracking, agile boards, and release planning to support the software development lifecycle. With its robust reporting and analytics capabilities, Jira enables teams to deliver high-quality software projects efficiently.

Jira provides several key features that make it a top Android app for software project management:

  • Issue Tracking: Jira allows you to track and manage software issues, bugs, and feature requests. You can create issues, assign them to team members, and set priorities. This helps you ensure that all issues are properly addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
  • Agile Boards: Jira provides agile boards, such as Scrum and Kanban boards, that allow you to visualize and manage your software development process. You can create and prioritize user stories, track progress, and plan sprints. This helps you stay organized and ensures that your team is working towards the project goals effectively.
  • Release Planning: Jira allows you to plan and track software releases. You can create versions, set release dates, and manage the release process. This feature helps you coordinate the delivery of new features and bug fixes and ensures that your software releases are smooth and successful.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Jira offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities that provide insights into your software projects. You can generate reports to track team performance, monitor project progress, and identify areas for improvement. This helps you make data-driven decisions and continuously improve your software development process.

Jira’s focus on software development and its specialized features make it a top choice for teams looking to manage and deliver high-quality software projects efficiently.


Smartsheet is a versatile project management app that combines spreadsheet functionality with project management features. It allows you to create collaborative workspaces, track tasks, and manage resources effectively. With its automation capabilities, Smartsheet helps streamline repetitive tasks and ensures accurate project execution.

Some key features of Smartsheet that make it a top Android app for project management are:

  • Collaborative Workspaces: Smartsheet provides collaborative workspaces where you can organize and manage your projects. You can create sheets, add columns, and customize the layout to match your project requirements. This allows you to centralize your project information and ensure that everyone has access to the latest updates.
  • Task Tracking: Smartsheet allows you to create and track tasks within your projects. You can assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and add additional details. This helps you keep track of your tasks and ensures that nothing gets overlooked.
  • Resource Management: With Smartsheet, you can manage your project resources efficiently. You can assign team members to tasks, track their availability, and monitor their workload. This helps you optimize resource allocation and ensures that tasks are assigned to the right people at the right time.
  • Automation: Smartsheet offers automation capabilities that allow you to streamline repetitive tasks and workflows. You can create automated alerts, reminders, and notifications to keep your team informed and ensure that important deadlines are met. This saves time and reduces the risk of manual errors.

Smartsheet’s combination of spreadsheet functionality and project management features makes it a powerful tool for managing projects of any size or complexity.


Evernote is not a dedicated project management app, but its powerful note-taking and organization features make it a valuable tool for project managers. It enables you to capture and organize project-related ideas, meeting notes, and research in various formats. With its cross-platform syncing and search capabilities, Evernote helps you stay organized and access important information anytime, anywhere.

Here are some key features of Evernote that make it a useful Android app for project management:

  • Note-Taking: Evernote allows you to create and organize notes for your projects. You can capture ideas, write meeting notes, and save research material. This helps you keep track of important information and ensures that you have all the necessary details at your fingertips.
  • Organization: Evernote provides various tools for organizing your notes. You can create notebooks, add tags, and use notebooks stacks to categorize your project-related content. This makes it easy to find and retrieve information when you need it.
  • Cross-Platform Syncing: Evernote syncs your notes across all your devices, including Android phones, tablets, and computers. This ensures that your project-related information is always up to date and accessible from


Q: What is Trello? A: Trello is a popular and user-friendly project management app that allows you to organize and prioritize tasks using boards, lists, and cards. It enables seamless collaboration among team members, allowing you to assign tasks, set due dates, and track progress.

Q: What are some key features of Asana? A: Asana offers features such as task management, progress tracking, team collaboration, and search and filtering capabilities. It allows you to create tasks, assign them to team members, track progress using different views, collaborate with team members, and quickly find specific tasks or projects.

Q: What makes Monday.com a versatile project management app? A: Monday.com offers a visual workflow, progress tracking tools, collaboration features, and integration with other tools. It allows you to create custom workflows, track project progress, collaborate with team members, and integrate with popular tools like Google Drive and Slack.

Q: How does Wrike support project workflows? A: Wrike provides features such as task management, Gantt charts, time tracking, and resource management. It allows you to create tasks, track project timelines using Gantt charts, track time spent on tasks, and manage resources efficiently. It also integrates with popular tools like Slack and Google Drive.

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